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The tweet exchange
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The gift

Jif + Questlove

Having one of the coolest drummers in the world wear my idea in front of millions of viewers was probably one of the greatest highlights of my career.


Questlove, the drummer for The Roots and band member of The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, has more than 3.65M Twitter followers. He also has a love for PB&Js, as we found out from his Twitter bio after he randomly tweeted the Jif brand. After a playful exchange, it was clear we had to send him a gift.


Knowing Questlove is a fan of Wonder Lee 123 bow ties, we enlisted the company to design a custom bow tie from Jif packaging and labels. Once it was finished, we boxed it up with some other goodies and sent it off to Rockefeller Center.


A few weeks later, we got confirmation the gift was received. Not only did Questlove wear the bow tie on the show—he wore it while playing Password with Khloe Kardashian and Jennifer Lopez!


Since then, the Jif bow tie has made more appearances, earning a spot in Questlove's collection of quirky and unique bow ties that he wears regularly on The Tonight Show. 



He liked it...
And so did everyone else!
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